Web development services in collaboration with:Nicolás Aranda and Miguel Cabrera - Handcrafted web experiences created by professionals

This web design and development team have developed multiple award-winning projects nationally and internationally as members of the Laboratorio de Periodismo y Opinión Pública (POPLab) in México.

We are always actively looking for new technologies to make sure we are producing the most exceptional work possible.

Nicolás ArandaNicolás Aranda

featured projects

La verdad

A single-page application (SPA) developed with Angular 16, TailwindCSS, AM Charts, and the Srcery color palette.

Extraditions, the banishment of Mexican justice

In 2023, La Verdad approached us with the idea of developing an interactive story for their most recent investigation, a look into how extraditions of criminals from Mexico to the United States negatively impact justice for victims of crime in Mexico.

Laboratorio de Periodismo y Opinión Pública (POPLab), CONNECTAS HUB

A single-page application developed with Svelte, MDBBootstrap, and GSAP.

Coca-Cola’s token: Tactics to influence public health policies

This is one of the most notable works Nicolás and Miguel have developed as the POPLab team for journalist Kennia Velazquez's reporting and won the 2022 Fetisov Journalism Award.

Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de la República de Honduras

A Full-Stack website developed with FastAPI, Angular, MongoDB, and Docker.

Early Warning and Response System

In 2019, Nicolás and Miguel designed and developed the Early Warning and Response System (Sistema de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana or SART in Spanish) software platform for the Honduras Human Rights Ministry.

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